Monday, January 9, 2017

Knowing data mode input and output in C

Knowing data mode input and output in C

 Knowing data mode, input and output in C++ is suitable for newbie.

Knowing data mode, input and ou.tput in C++ | Sofi rahmatulloh

1. Constants.
Constants is a variable that has permanent value. There are two contants : numeric and text.

Numeric Constants.
  • Integer constatns. (example : 1,2,3....n)
  • Floating point contant. (example : 5.57)
  • Double precision constants (similar with floating point but it has biggest value than floating point)
Text Constants.
  • Character : only contains a character.
  • String : combination of character.
How to declare a contants :
  • const data_type contants_name = value_of_cantants;
  • example : const int x = 89;
2. Variable
Variable is a place to save a data or constants temporarily in the memory. The value can be change when the program is running. Variable must be written one word, not space, can be written with _ and cant be written by starting with numeric or aritmetic.

The types of variables is also same with constants, numeric variable and text variable.

How to declare a variable :
Declartion : data_type name_of_variable;
Example : int x_ray; char grade; float average;

3. Output Task.
Did you know what output task is ?
Output task in c++ is used to show the output of the program you have made.

There are some standart output task that often be used are :
1. printf();
2. puts();
3. putchar();
4. cout<<;
5. getch();
6. getche();

4. Ouput task.
Did you know what output task is ?
Output task in c++ is used to input impotant data that you need in the program that you have made.

There are some Standart input task that often be used are :
1. cin>>;
2. scanf();

For this chance I share that definition, in order to show you C++ genereally.
For the usage of output or input task, I will show in the next chance.
To be continue..
I will continue this Knowing data mode, input and ou.tput in C++ in the next time...

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