Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Driver Download

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Driver Download

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Driver Download
HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Printer
HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 is a multifunction printer that could be used to print, Copy and Scan files in just this one marvelous gadget. This printer is fit for printing with bewildering course with insignificant exertion.

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 has a shade print quality to achieve 4800 x 1200 dpi and 600 x 600 dpi for dim files. HP Advantage 1515 has minimum sizes (W x D x H) 425.23 x 305.82 x 156.60 mm with a weight of 3.60 kg which is arranged with a clear framework and can save you space.

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Drivers Download Links

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Drivers for Windows 64Bit

Download link

Drivers for Windows 8 64bit

 Drivers for Windows 7 64bit

Drivers for Windows Vista 64bit

Drivers for Windows XP 64bit

 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Drivers for Windows 32Bit

Download link

Drivers for Windows 8 32bit

 Drivers for Windows 7 32bit

Drivers for Windows Vista 32bit

Drivers for Windows XP 32bit

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Drivers for Linux

Download link

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Drivers  Linux

 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 Drivers for Macintosh (MAC)

Download link

Drivers for 

OS X 10.9, OS X 10.8

Drivers for 

Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.6

Available link for download

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KMPlayer Terbaru 3 2 0 19 Paling Mantap

KMPlayer Terbaru 3 2 0 19 Paling Mantap

Sumber File - KMPlayer Terbaru ini adalah salah satu software media player yang sangat populer seperti media player yang lainnya, KMPlayer Terbaru juga berfungsi untukmemutar berbaga macam-macam file media dalamn segala format, seperti VCD, DVD, AVI, ASF, WMV, AVS, FLV, MKV, 3GP, MPEG dan lain-lain. Agan-agan bisa bisa mendapatkan KMPlayer Terbaru ini secara gratis, karena semenjak bulan Desember 2008, KMPlayer ini sudah menjadi freeware karena sudah di beli oleh Pandora.TV.
KMPlayer Terbaru ini tidak hanya sebagai media player, KMPlayer Terbaru mempunyai fitur-fitur multimedia lainnya, KMPlayer Terbaru ini mendukung audio recording, vidio capturing, subtitling, screenshot dan masih banyak lagi fitur-fitur lainnya yang tentunya ini merupakan keunggulan KMPlayer Terbaru dari media player yang lainnya.

Download KMPlayer Terbaru

Available link for download

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My Autoplay Professional 12 0 build 26042015 Download Full

My Autoplay Professional 12 0 build 26042015 Download Full

My Autoplay Professional 12.0 build 26042015
Download My Autoplay Professional 12.0 form 26042015 Full -

My Autoplay Pro Full is an application that you can use to make autorun menu on presentations that you make an expert way without hardly lifting a finger rapidly. With this product you can make an autorun menu and formats that have exceptionally intriguing for running a presentation or feature that you made it. Furthermore you can likewise see a sneak peak of the autorun that you make without needing to first copy to DVD.

In My Autoplay Pro Full is now given several autorun menu layouts that you can pick yourself. Basic client interface is likewise getting simpler for you to discover all the highlights of My Autoplay Pro.

How To Install
Install program
Copy folder “Backup files” in install dir
Run and add Registered.reg

Download My Autoplay Professional 12.0

Info File
Name : My Autoplay Professional 12.0 build 26042015 Full
License : Premium
Developer : arafasoft
Uploader : Freesoftport
System required : Windows

Available link for download

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Mengubah PDF ke Word Excell dengan Solid Converter PDF 8 0 Build 3547 90 Full Cracked 2013 Keygen Only

Mengubah PDF ke Word Excell dengan Solid Converter PDF 8 0 Build 3547 90 Full Cracked 2013 Keygen Only

Solid Converter PDF - PDF ke Word (dan belakang) -mudah dan nyaman! Solid Converter PDF mengkonversi file PDFke Word dapat diedit (dan dokumen Word kePDF) mempertahankan format dan grafis. ProgramConverter PDF Solidbertujuan untuk mencapai kepatuhan yang maksimal dengan input dan outputberkas. Font digantidengan file PDF yang sesuai font yang diinstal pada komputer Anda. Gambar vektordikonversi sebagai tertanam objek diedit. Solid Converter PDF membuat file yang mudahuntuk bekerja denganfitur:

- Convert PDFke Word dan Excel
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selanjutnya anda bisa downloa Solid Converter PDF nya disini dan untuk Keygen/Crack nya download disini
 selamat mencoba!!!...

Available link for download

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Make OS X Terminal Faster

Make OS X Terminal Faster

Have you ever felt bored because the prompt of your Terminal is not immediately noticeable and you should to wait some moments when opening Terminal in your OS X? Some sources say the length of this process due to the writing of log files in OS X. To expedite the process, you can clean the log files. You can do it manually or by using a little trick. In this post, I will share the trick I mean.

  1. Open Terminal and enter the following commands (each command line should be ended by pressing ‘Enter’ button):
    cd /private/var/log/asl/
    ls *.asl
  2. From the second line command, you’ll see some files ending with .asl. If you do not find it, then I believe it is incorrect, repeat the above steps with a more cautious.
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Available link for download

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

HP Officejet 5740 e All in One Printer Drivers Download

HP Officejet 5740 e All in One Printer Drivers Download

HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer Drivers Download 

Printer Reviews– HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer Drivers Download is basically the considerable perspective Envy 5640 multifunction ink in the inkjet gadget (MFP) with a fax modem and programmed archive feeder Compact 25 sheets (ADF). Not favor, but rather it has touch screen controls of comparative shading, and the same incredible nature of development: the scanner is tilted up on quieted overwhelming pivots to give access to the ink cartridges while the SD card opening and USB are holed up behind a clean spinning entryway.

We are not an aficionado of post boxes in imprisonment of paper in the base of the printer, however its not very hard to stack the 125-sheet that is here. It additionally incorporates a second plate 4 x 6 photograph paper ", which is naturally initiated when essential. Printed pages are gathered in a yield plate that naturally develops, regardless of the fact that you need to drive yourself to close it once more. Duplex Printing (duplex) programmed is standard.

printers, touch screens have made considerable progress, and the framework utilized here is magnificent. Shading Sharp screen is consummately sensible natural control menu framework that uses a mix of touch motions, drag, and look to check the web capacities and essential capacities. The list of capabilities is not restricted, be that as it may, as you can not output or print from capacity administrations in the cloud.

Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One will encourage human exercises in printing content or pictures on the PC to the paper variant. With the printer, now could likewise make the procedure of examining and duplicating. HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One can be utilized by anybody for any employment, for instance, for office specialists, for understudies of schools, understudies, and so on.

HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer Drivers Download

HP Officejet 5740 e-All-in-One Printer Drivers Download

System Requirements
  • Windows 8.1 32-bit
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 8 32-bit
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • Windows 7 32-bit
  • Windows 7 64-bit
  • Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Windows Vista 64-bit
  • Windows XP 32-bit
  • Windows XP 64-bit
  • Windows 2000
    Reset manual Printers
    1. Turn off the Printers.
    2. Press and Hold the catch Resume/Cancel then squeeze POWER catch.
    3. Discharge the Resume/Cancel catch while keeping POWER catch on press.
    4. Press Resume/Cancel 2 times and after that discharge every one of the catches.
    5. At the point when the pointer recorded GREEN - snap Resume/Cancel 4 times!
    6. Turn off the Printers.
    Install Printer Drivers
    • Enter the printer driver CD into the CD-ROOM or in the event that it doesnt need to download a connected CD Driver downloads are given in the article underneath. 
    • Go to the Device Manager (Explorer - > right snap Computer - > Manage - > Device Manage) 
    • Select the gadget Printers, right-tap the File Setup - > Update Driver Software 
    • Select the second driver pursuit; Browser my PC for driver programming 
    • The program driver pursuit areas, indicate by selecting the CD-ROOM which as of now contains a CD or downloaded record in the connection underneath and after that snap Next 
    • In the event that the record is discovered, it will show a depiction and area. As a matter of course generally chose the fitting document. Provided that this is true, please click Next to proceed. 
    • One minute to look the driver, if effective it will be inform; Windows has effectively upgraded your driver programming 
    • finished


    Windows,  7, 8 , 8.1,  XP, Vista (32-bit)


    Windows,  7, 8 , 8.1,  XP, Vista (64-bit)



    Mac OS X (10.7), (10.6),  (10.5)


    Mac OS X (10.10), (10.9),  (10.8)



                 Linux (deb)


                Linux (rpm)


    If You Have Troble With Link Download Place Cek Here
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    Download Link

    Available link for download

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    Kecelakaan Maut MotoGP Simoncelli Tewas Seketika

    Kecelakaan Maut MotoGP Simoncelli Tewas Seketika

    Siapa yang tidak tahu pembalab jabrik yang dijuluki Super Sic’ yang bergabung di Team Honda Gressini yang tahun ini baru naik dari Moto2 ke motoGP yang terkenal dengan aksi balapnya yang fenomenal, yah.... Marco Simoncelli pria lajang umur 24 tahun tewas secara tragis setelah mengalami kecelakaan di ajang balap motor MotoGP Malaysia siang ini, dan kecelakan ini terjadi selang sepekan setelah kematian pembalap Inggris Dan Wheldon ketika mengikuti lomba Indy Car di Las Vegas.  Nyawa Simoncelli tak tertolong sejam setelah terjatuh dari motornya. Helm yang dikenakannya terlepas dan bersamaan dengan itu tubuhnya tersambar motor yang ditunggangi Colin Edwards dan berimbas ke Valentino Rossi yang terseok keluar dari lintasan ketika di tikungan ke-11 pada lomba yang baru memasuki putaran kedua, yang berujung dibatalkannya duel adu cepat ini, saya  sangat histeris dan pasti sobat penggila motoGP juga sama....
    Kematian Simoncelli merupakan insiden fatal berujung maut untuk pertama kalinya di arena MotoGP. Sebelumnya pembalap Jepang, Daijiro Katoh meninggal setelah mengalami kecelakaan serius pada lomba GP Jepang pada tahun 2003 dan kini warga Italia berduka atas tragedi maut ini...... Selamat jalan Simoncelli damai bersamamu....
    (Sumber Photo : MCN)

    Available link for download

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    Intel ME Region dan Intel Flash Image Tool

    Intel ME Region dan Intel Flash Image Tool

    intel pch
    Jangan salah membedakan antara  ME firmware dan MEI driver, ME Firmware adalah bagian dari BIOS sementara driver MEI diinstal pada Windows dan memungkinkan perangkat lunak untuk berkomunikasi dengan ME firmware di BIOS (seperti software overclocking dan manajemen fan) BIOS terdiri dari 3 sampai 5 bagian (beberapa BIOS tidak memiliki blok Gbe dan / atau PDR), Bagian penting dari bios:


    ME firmware berisi beberapa modul: AMT (Active Management Technology), ASF (Alert Standard Format), QST (Quiet Technology System) dan TPM (Trusted Platform Module) untuk hardware remote manajemen, tetapi juga berisi pengaturan chipset (clock, frekuensi,. ..) yang mempengaruhi parameter penting dari BCLK, RAM, Turbo Boost, fan speed, dsb. Kerusakan atau eror yang umum terjadi dilaptop akibat ME firmware adalah laptop mati setiap 10-15 detik, setelah ganti chipset.
    Untuk mengatasi hal ini diperlukan update ME firmware pada bios, berikut tools yang diperlukan:
    Flash image tools, silahkan download sesuai seri chipset:
    • FITC untuk intel seri 5 DOWNLOAD
    • FITC untuk intel seri 6 dan 7 DOWNLOAD
    • FITC untuk intel seri 8 DOWNLOAD
    ME firmware atau ME region, silahkan download sesuai seri chipset:
    • ME Region intel seri 5 DOWNLOAD
    • ME Region intel seri 6 DOWNLOAD
    • ME Region intel seri 7 DOWNLOAD
    Silahkan siapkan file bios master untuk diupdate ME Region, hasilnya bisa diflash ke laptop yang rusak. mengenai cara pemakaian menyusul di post selanjutnya.

    Sumber : http://www.kdc.co.id.

    Available link for download

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    Kerusakan Pada printer Laser HP

    Kerusakan Pada printer Laser HP

               Sejak adanya komentar bergambar di facebook, kini ramai sekali penghuni facebook yang suka menggunakan layanan baru tersebut, entah itu untuk ngebully, ngelawak, senang-senang (mana gue tau). Yang pasti layanan tersebut sangat menggembirakan para penghuninya. Nah, buat kamu-kamu yang belum tau caranya nih saya kasih caranya.
               Simple sekali, klik gambar kamera pada kolom komen ujung kanan, terus lampirkan deh gambar atau foto komentar facebook kamu dari file kamu.

    Dan ini saya kasih beberapa gambar komentar facebook lucu, silahkan didownload:

    Available link for download

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    HP Photosmart 5520 Driver Download

    HP Photosmart 5520 Driver Download

    HP Photosmart 5520 Driver Download

    HP Photosmart 5520

    HP Photosmart 5520 Driver Download - HP Photosmart 5520 e-all in a single printer is usually a good choice as it has a lot of features at a wonderful price. Whether your personal computer operates on the Windows almost 8, 7 or XP working system, the HP Photosmart 5520 e-all in one particular printer driver could be mounted on your notebook or perhaps desktop. You will require to determine whether your program is 32 bit or perhaps 64 bit to put in the right software.

    The HP Photosmart also prints quickly, simple to use. and on the computer printer lcd is 6. 75 cm which works extremely well to view the document branded, copied. the speed of this printer is producing from 11 ppm intended for black and 8 ppm for colour.

    HP Photosmart 5520 is print quality of printer is a 4800 x 1200 dpi, and scan quality with twelve hundred x 2400 dpi. give comfort and simple to print out with four cardtridge and save costs. and technology airprint you can easily print from your i phone, apple ipad tablet and itouch. image printing within this printer can be A4 paper borderless. and slot of memory.

    That driver supports for OS:
    - Windows 8 (32bit, 64bit)
    - windows 8. 1 (32bit, 64bit)
    - windows 7 (32bit, 64bit)
    - windows Vista (32bit, 64bit)
    - Macintosh
    - Mac Os Times
    - Linux.

    HP Photosmart 5520 Driver Download

    Driver Download For Windows :


    Windows XP, Windows Vista

    , Windows 7
    Download Here

    Windows 8.1, Windows 8
    Download Here

    Driver Download For Mac OS :


    Mac OS  

    Download Here

    Driver Download For Linux :



    Download Here

    How to install the printer driver : 
    - Open the driver file that you downloaded it 
    - Then double click on the file 
    - Then choose the language you want 
    - Then you can follow the instructions given 
    - completed 

    How to unistal the printer driver : 
    - Click on the start menu, then click control panel and select the program unistal 
    - Next follow the directions and steps which appear. 
    - Wait a while 
    - Then the printer driver will be ready to be deleted

    Available link for download

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